Dental Implant for Missing Front Tooth


About this Dental Implants Work

Pam had been missing her front tooth for many years due to a failed root canal. Pam decided she was tired of wearing a removable partial and wanted an option that was “more permanent.” Pam had two friends who both had implants placed to replace back teeth but was concerned as to what she could expect cosmetically from an implant in the front of the mouth. We were able to show Pam what she could look like by using cosmetic imaging software to simulate her result before hand. After discussing her desires, we opted to restore several additional teeth with veneers to enhance her overall smile. We placed an endosseous root form implant at the site of the missing tooth and, the next day, fabricated a temporary crown on the implant, thereby saving Pam the aggravation of having to wear a removable flipper while the implant healed. We ultimately restored Pam’s smile with a combination of a zirconia implant abutment, E-Max crown, and veneers on her adjacent several teeth. Pam is now able to smile confidently without worrying about appearance or function.

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