Author: The Center for Dental Excellence

Combine Regular Dental Care with Cosmetic Dentistry to Improve Your Smile

December 22, 2021

Proper oral hygiene habits at home can maintain a sparkling clean mouth, but there are imperfections that regular dental care and cleanings will not address. Sometimes, your teeth appear dirty right after you have brushed

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5 Signs Gum Disease is Wreaking Havoc on Your Oral Health

November 27, 2021

Gum disease may seem like a mild concern in the early stages. As this bacterial nightmare progresses, it takes a significant toll on your overall health. Ignoring red flags and skipping your dental exams and

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A Customized Smile Makeover to Restore Vibrant Teeth

October 29, 2021

Your smile leaves a lasting impression on everyone you meet. If you are embarrassed by your teeth and avoid flashing a wide grin, it affects your first interaction with your date or new coworker. People

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Answering Frequently Asked Questions About Tooth Stains

September 1, 2021

Tooth stains represent some of the most common cosmetic complaints we hear at The Center for Dental Excellence. Dr. Gordon Bell and our team receive a wide range of questions pertaining to tooth stain causes

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Signs You Might Need Full Mouth Reconstruction

August 3, 2021

Nearly everyone gets a cavity or sustains minor tooth damage at some point. These problems can usually be treated in one or two dental appointments. But what happens if you have multiple problems simultaneously affecting

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Common Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

July 5, 2021

Obstructive sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that can have devastating consequences. The condition is characterized by a partial or complete blockage of the airway that causes numerous lapses in breath. Someone with obstructive

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Why It Is So Important To Replace a Missing Tooth

June 6, 2021

As a child, losing a baby tooth was probably a memorable experience. Your parents might have taken photos of your gapped smile for their scrapbooks and explained to you that the Tooth Fairy was on

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Answering Frequently Asked Questions About Cavities

May 8, 2021

Nearly everyone will develop a cavity at some point in their lives. Despite how common cavities are, there is still some confusion about exactly what causes them and how they are treated. Read on as

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Benefits of Implant-Supported Dentures

April 9, 2021

When patients need new sets of teeth, they often have trouble deciding between dentures and implants. However, they may want to give serious consideration to the compromise option: implant-supported dentures. These are dentures that easily

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Answering Frequently Asked Questions About Veneers

March 11, 2021

At The Center for Dental Excellence Dr. Gordon Bell frequently enhances patients’ smiles using porcelain veneers. These beautiful restorations can conceal a single imperfect tooth or make over an entire smile. Because veneers are so

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